The animated movie Persepolis based on the graphic novel Persepolis by Iranian author and cartoonist Marjane Satrapi was appluaded by Tunisians during the 14th European Cinema Festival.
Persepolis is the story of Marjane Satrapi's "own experiences as a rebellious young girl growing up in 1970s and 1980s Iran before being sent off 'into safety' in Europe. In her life, the growing pains of a free-spirited young girl happen to occur alongside the fall of the Shah’s rule and the Islamic Revolution. With its perfect blend of the personal and the political, Persepolis tells the parallel stories of a girl and a country trying to grow up and find out what’s right for them, though both are often taken hostage by foreign impulses".
Sources: La Presse (Tunisia), November 13, 2007